Aloe Vera Juice is the base to our Beach Breeze Bliss Spritz. Aloe Vera Juice has been used for centuries as a powerful healing agent for the skin. Capable of calming an array of skin issues, Aloe Vera Juice is an incredible moisturizing agent rich in revitalizing & anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps to calm and heal sunburn & dry skin after too much time in the sun.
Island Hibiscus
helps alleviate skin irritation and provides a rich dose of hydration, giving the skin a rejuvenated feel and fresh look.
Hibiscus is also known for its rich level of antioxidants, including vitamin c and beta-carotene.
Passion Fruit is rich in vitamins A, E, C, and calcium and phosphorus. Passion Fruit is a powerful emollient rich in vitamin C. The high content of essential fatty acids and light texture make it valuable in treating wrinkles & dry aging skin. Passion Fruit oil also contains linoleic acid, an ingredient effective in cell regulation and skin barrier repair.